ASF Jobs

ASI Jobs in ASF 2024 – Apply Now

Opportunities for ASIs to join the Airport Security Force (ASF) have been announced by the Pakistani government. ASF readily accepts applications from Pakistani nationals aged 18 to 30 for ASI positions. The Airport Security Force ensures the security and protection of airport personnel and passengers at an essential level.

This position with the government is available to both men and women. Job seekers must fulfill the designated criteria to qualify for registration. This employment advertisement specifies each prerequisite and application process.

Details About ASI Jobs in ASF

  • Company: Airport Security Force (ASF)
  • Type: Full-time and Permanent
  • Organization: Government
  • Vacancies: 112
  • Education: Intermediate or any equivalent education
  • Age limit: Candidates between the ages of 18 and 30 are eligible.
  • Physical Requirements: 5 feet and 6 inches of height and 32.5–34.5 chests are required for male candidates, and for female candidates, 5 feet and 2 inches of height is required.
  • Physical Test for Males: Running 1 mile in a maximum of 7:30 minutes, 22 push-ups in 2 minutes, and 22 sit-ups in 2 minutes.
  • Physical Test for Females: Running 1 mile in a maximum of 13:00 minutes

Check Also: Join PAF – Apply Online

Benefits of ASI Jobs in ASF

  • Job Security: Airport security positions frequently offer a degree of employment stability, given that airports and their security personnel are vital elements of the transportation infrastructure.
  • Competitive Compensation: Airport security personnel, particularly those with specialized training or experience, may be offered competitive salaries.
  • Opportunities for Ongoing Training: A multitude of security positions, including airport security, offer continuous training opportunities. This may encompass revisions to emerging technologies, security protocols, and emergency response protocols.
  • Health and Retirement Benefits: As part of their compensation package, airport security personnel may be eligible to receive health insurance and retirement benefits.
  • Workplace Diversity: Airports frequently foster a diverse work environment comprising individuals hailing from numerous cultural and historical backgrounds. This can contribute to a dynamic and engaging work environment.
  • Career Advancement: Certain security positions provide opportunities for professional growth and development, enabling employees to ascend the hierarchy and assume additional obligations.
  • Travel Benefits: Travel benefits are contingent upon the employer and position in question. These benefits may consist of airfare or transportation service discounts, among other things.
  • Pride in Public Service: Airport security personnel take pride in their ability to contribute to the protection of the public and the nation’s security. For many individuals, this sense of purpose can serve as a motivating element.
  • Opportunities for Networking: Employment in the field of airport security affords individuals the chance to engage with a diverse range of stakeholders, such as personnel from law enforcement agencies, airline personnel, and fellow security experts. This may be advantageous for professional development and networking.
  • Provision of Training and Technology: Airport security frequently necessitates the implementation of cutting-edge security systems and technology. Workers might be granted access to state-of-the-art training programs and be granted the chance to operate cutting-edge equipment.

Application Process for ASI Jobs in ASF

  • Visit the Airport Security Force‘s official website.
  • Select the “Online Application” link on the ASF website.
  • Establish an account on the website.
  • Designate yourself as (ASI).
  • Completing and submitting the online application form.
  • The submission of a paper application is unnecessary.

More Info

Contact Details of ASI Jobs in ASF

ASI Jobs in Airports Security Force
ASI Jobs in Airports Security Force
ASI Jobs in Airports Security Force
ASI Jobs in Airports Security Force

  1. What is the work of ASF?

    ASF assures the security of the civil aviation sector from unauthorized intrusions through the implementation of counter-terrorism strategies, discouraging criminal activities, and preserving law and order within Pakistani airport areas. ASF Director General Major General Adnan Asif Jah Shad HI is the present Director General.

  2. What is the full form of ASI in safety?

    Assistant Sub Inspector (ASI) is a highly regarded police rank. A significant component of the ASI’s responsibilities is maintaining social order and adherence to the law. A police station ASI has been charged with a distinct assortment of duties.

  3. What are the facilities of ASF officers?

    In the vicinity of airports, family adaptations, including Married Officers Quarters (MOQs), apartments, and detached residences that have every luxury convenience, are provided for officials and officers who are married, under their rank structure.

Ali Hassan

Ali Hassan is a passionate advocate for the Pakistan Army, a true patriot, and a dedicated source of information, As an author, Ali's expertise extends to the realm of Pakistan's military affairs, where he offers valuable insights into the latest army jobs, recruitment tests, and news. His comprehensive understanding of the intricacies of the Pakistani military landscape has made him a trusted voice among those seeking career opportunities within the armed forces.

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