Pak Army Jobs

Pak Army Jobs in Mujahid Regiment GD Soldier Bahawalpur 2024

The Mujahid Force, which operates under the general supervision of the Pakistan Army, is a regiment and paramilitary division of the National Guard of Pakistan.

Recent Pak Army Positions The Mujahid Regiment Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan, is currently seeking qualified individuals to apply for the following positions: Khakroob, general duty soldiers, sanitary workers, cooks, and sepoys. The advertisement was published in the daily Nawaiwaqt newspaper. Furthermore, candidates who possess a primary, intermediate, or matriculation education background will be given preference.

For additional details, kindly consult the advertisement. Recent Pak Army Positions For more information on the most recent Mujahid Regiment employment opportunities and the application process, please refer to the complete online advertisement through ARMY.

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Details of Pak Army Jobs in Mujahid Regiment GD Soldier Bahawalpur

  • Organization: Mujahid Regiment
  • Category: Government
  • Education: Primary, Middle, and Matric
  • Location: Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
  • Job Industry: Army Jobs
  • Newspaper: Nawaiwaqt Jobs
  • Job Type: Full-Time

Eligible candidates are encouraged to submit their applications to the Mujahid Regiment of the Pakistan Army for the position of GD Soldier. This is an exceptional opportunity to contribute to Pakistan’s national security while becoming a member of this prestigious institution.

Benefits of Pak Army Jobs in Mujahid Regiment GD Soldier Bahawalpur

  • Profession Stability: Employment in the Pakistan Army entails stability and employment security, as well as prospects for progression along a well-defined trajectory that are contingent upon one’s merit and performance.
  • Curriculum and Skill Enhancement: During your tenure as a GD Soldier, you will acquire comprehensive instruction in a wide range of military proficiencies—combatant methodologies, armament, physical fitness, and leadership—all of which possess practical applications beyond the military sphere.
  • Competitive Compensation and Perquisites: The Pakistan Army furnishes its personnel with accommodation, medical, and travel allowances, in addition to competitive salaries, thereby ensuring their families’ financial support and stability.
  • Medications and Insurance: An important benefit furnished by the army is comprehensive healthcare facilities and insurance coverage for personnel and their dependents.
  • Academic Opportunities: The army frequently provides assistance for academic endeavors, enabling personnel to pursue additional knowledge and skills during and after their military careers by means of a collection of educational programs and scholarships.
  • Benefits from pensions and retirement: Pensions and retirement benefits are provided to soldiers upon the conclusion of their military service, thereby guaranteeing them financial security during their post-active duty years.
  • An Exploration and Venture: Travel, deployment to various locations, and the opportunity to experience diverse cultures and environments are commonplace in the military, which provides exposure to new experiences and a sense of adventure.
  • Collaboration and camaraderie: Enlisting in the military cultivates qualities such as discipline, cooperation, and camaraderie, while also offering a nurturing atmosphere and enduring connections with comrades in arms.
  • Making an Impact on National Security: Individuals who serve in the Mujahid Regiment are able to directly contribute to the security and defense of their nation, fostering in them a profound sense of national pride and patriotism.
  • Personal and Professional Development: Military environments foster both personal and professional development by providing avenues for leadership development, arduous tasks, and a methodical advancement system.

Requirements for Pak Army Jobs in Mujahid Regiment GD Soldier

  • Rendering: GD Soldier
  • Academic Requirements: Applicants must possess a primary, middle, or matric certificate from an accredited governing body.
  • Age Limit: The age restriction for GD soldiers is 17 to 22 years old, although this may be loosened in exceptional circumstances.
  • Height: In addition to possessing a minimum height of 5 feet 6 inches, candidates must also satisfy the Pakistan Army’s specific medical requirements.
  • Physical Fitness: Prospective candidates are expected to possess optimal physical and mental fitness.
  • English Language Proficiency: Applicants must possess a solid grasp of the English language.
  • Selection Process: In the selection procedure, written examinations, physical examinations, and medical exams are included.
  • Joining Time: Candidates who are chosen will be obligated to finish their introductory training within a designated period of time.
  • Application form: You can obtain the application form by going to the Mujahid Regiment’s official website.
  • Form Submission: Completing the application form with the requisite information and submitting the required documents in accordance with the provided instructions
  • Form Submission: Physically deliver the application form that has been duly completed to the designated recruitment office of the Mujahid Regiment.
  • Important Dates: Do not pass up this incredible opportunity to enlist as a GD soldier in the Pakistan Army. Substantially submit your application to join a renowned institution that assumes a critical function in safeguarding the sovereignty of Pakistan.


Enthusiastic prospects abound in the central region of Pakistan when the Mujahid Regiment extends invitations to qualified candidates for GD Soldier positions. Suppose you have long aspired to a rewarding military profession. In that case, this may be your opportunity to assume a position that provides not only employment but also a profound sense of responsibility and prestige.

Date and Category

Please mark your calendars: the announcement was published in the Nawaiwaqt Jobs section, under the Government category.

Educational Requirements for Pak Army Jobs

Applicants for this prestigious position are required to possess a minimum of a primary, intermediate, or matriculation education. The Mujahid Regiment upholds the principle of inclusivity by cordially inviting candidates who possess a wide range of educational backgrounds.

Job Location

Pretend that you are in Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan, serving your country. Appreciating the historical importance of this site enhances the sense of honor and dedication that you demonstrate towards the Mujahid Regiment.

About Mujahid Regiment

Recent Pak Army Positions The Mujahid Regiment occupies an esteemed position in the military annals of Pakistan. Designed to safeguard the sovereignty of the nation, it has served as an emblematic representation of valor and commitment. By enlisting in the regiment, one assumes an integral role in a lineage that values valor and honor.

Job Industry

Among the extensive array of professional prospects, this opportunity is classified as an Army job. Active military service not only fosters individual development but also positively impacts the welfare of the entire nation.

Job Type and Timing

This requires an entire time commitment. You will devote your time and abilities to the defense of your country as a GD soldier. Candidates who are prepared to accept the duties and obligations that accompany the position are needed for the regiment.

Eligibility Criteria for Pak Army Jobs

In order to qualify, applicants must satisfy particular prerequisites. These requirements consist of age restrictions, physical fitness criteria, and a dedication to the principles espoused by the Mujahid Regiment.

Application Process

Are you prepared to take the plunge? The registration procedure is uncomplicated. To proceed with this transformative endeavor, please refer to the official Mujahid Regiment website and adhere to our detailed step-by-step guide to submit your application.

Importance of Primary, Middle, and Matric Education

By prioritizing primary, intermediate, and matriculation education, the Mujahid Regiment demonstrates its dedication to fostering diversity and inclusiveness. These levels of education lay the groundwork for the disciplinary measures and aptitudes necessary to perform the duties of a GD soldier.

Career Growth Opportunities

After the initial assignment, the Mujahid Regiment provides opportunities for professional development. As one demonstrates their commitment and expertise, opportunities arise for advancements and specialized positions within the regiment.

Testimonials and Success Stories

It is not enough to simply accept our word for it. Gain insights from present and past soldiers who have discovered meaning and satisfaction in their military service with the Mujahid Regiment. Practical experiences illuminate the ramifications of this professional decision.


In summary, the Pakistan Army Mujahid Regiment GD Soldier Jobs offers a distinctive prospect to proudly serve your nation. Seize the initial stage toward a purposeful military career if you possess the requisite academic credentials, enthusiasm, and dedication.

For More Info:

Email Your CV, and We’ll Find the Best Pathway For you:

  1. What is the Mujahid Regiment?

    The Mujahid Force is a regiment and a paramilitary component of the National Guard of Pakistan, normally under the command of the Pakistan Army.

  2. What should I do to join the Pakistan Army? 

    Age limits vary with the level of education, ranging from 17 to 25 years. Applicants must meet physical standards, including a minimum height of 5’4 (162.5 cm). Educational qualifications require a minimum of 55% marks in Intermediate or equivalent, with higher education garnering more age relaxation.

  3. How many brigades are there in the Pakistan Army? 

    The independent brigades include seven mechanized infantry brigades, eight armored brigades, four artillery brigades, and nine engineer brigades. 105 Independent Infantry Brigade under V Corps

Ali Hassan

Ali Hassan is a passionate advocate for the Pakistan Army, a true patriot, and a dedicated source of information, As an author, Ali's expertise extends to the realm of Pakistan's military affairs, where he offers valuable insights into the latest army jobs, recruitment tests, and news. His comprehensive understanding of the intricacies of the Pakistani military landscape has made him a trusted voice among those seeking career opportunities within the armed forces.

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